




Six of Crows (Book Review)

“No Mourners. No Funerals”

I will say it a million times. This book slayed me! Especially since the first try I had reading this book turned out to be really bad. But I started to start back up again and read it for the booktubeathon. Totally worth my second chances.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

I gave this book a 5/5 stars on goodreads.


It almost seems very unlikely if one has not heard or seen this book.I would dare to say that it is very popular, and it is very popular for many reason I would assume are similar to mine.First of all the writing is beautiful, and so is this book. And let’s be honest this book was an impulse buy for my eyes. And if you don’t want to read it and you are only interested in buying it to make your book shelf look fantastic, I say you do it because it’s just so aesthetic. I will probably never get over that fact.giphy-2

anyways onto a summary (NON-spoiler)

If you are interested some in this book, you will be on an amazing adventure with all of the book’s interesting characters. In this book you will read of many peoples POV’s of a gang-like group that lives in Ketterdam. They are the Six of Crows because of the six of them in this pack. This group goes on a heist for money, but for a crew they are so young, yet so dangerous, and well-planned out. Surprises and events take a turn and they will have to adjust. The characters are phenomenal in this book as well, which made switching point of views constantly enjoyable and entertaining. If you are interested in reading this book I say try it out. It was an enjoyable, intense, heart-wrenching. So what are you waiting for? Go live and read!!


First, I would like to say that I am super glad that the next book is coming out in about two months. It is way better than waiting a whole year! Second, The Kaz and Inej feels are so strong.8xviiL9

One thing I enjoyed very very much about this book is Kaz and his background and how he handeled business. He is such a sexy badass character it shocks me. Also taking in the account that he is so ruthless it scares me. If you remember one of the opening scenes when he is…(well to be honest I forgot what they were doing)…making a deal or getting info with this other guy and he bluffs that he is basically going to burn down the apartment where his lover was at. I was like Kaz that is harsh, but then again ones got to do what they got to do to stay alive.

Skipping onto Matthias and Nina’s relationship. Wow they definitely at first do not make a dynamic duo. But I like how even though Matthias was raised to think that Grisha’s were the enemy he made his own decision in the end. It just really touched me that he choose her because he knew it was right and he didn’t want to be blinded by fallacies about Grisha.

Oh my goodness and there is this really cute scene on page 239-241. ( I mainly put this here because I made no tabs in my book and I think I will always want to read this part to get some giddiness into me). By the way if you are clueless about these pages, its basically just a part where Nina teases/flirts with Matthias and they finally have a kind of closer trust from that point on.

Lastly I shall tell of events that made me super nervous for some of my character.

  • When Kaz fainted right at the beginning of the whole Heist.
  • When Inej was climbing the incinerator–oh and when she was stabbed and almost died!
  • When Kaz left Nina searching for Bo Yul-Bayer.
  • Or the time Nina was trapped in that laboratory and Matthias was there and we all thought she was going to be dosed with jury parem!! (but thank goodness she wasn’t…yet!!!) she ended up taking it to save everyone. I think my heart broke at that point.
  • And my heart just shattered when Inez was taken hostage. Just so many things happened in a short amount of time its hard to stir in my mind.

Okay enough ranting. Leave a comment telling me if you read this book? if you enjoyed it? and what where some of you favorite parts??



No Mourners. No Funerals

Blog birthday and other stuff…

It has be quite some time since I have sat down and writen a post. I actually find myself stumbling on words to say. Also I realise how much slower I am at typing which kind of stinks. Anyways, yesterday was my Blog Birthday!! And I would have known, but the wordpress notification didn’t show until today…yaay. So I am going to pretend like it actually was today…


(By the way this episode made me laugh soooo hard. Oh innocent, ignorant Ross. You should comment if you know what I’m talking about. Just please don’t spoil me. I am on season 9)

Anyways I am so excited my blog has some age to it. I am also very excited because it is summer. I really can dedicate alot of time to blogging. Doesn’t that just sound cool. Blogging. Well thats what I am going to do…hopefully. I got this Pull-Yourself-Together

Okay there is more “stuff”. Currently I am reading Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. So if you havent read Heir of Fire or any of the Throne of Glass books yet you will get spoiled.

I am not finished with Heir of Fire yet. Which is kind of disappointing to me, because I litereally have had this book for so long. Atleast I am 200 pages through the book, but lets face it her books are not tiny so I’m getting closer to the half way point, but not quite there yet. Anyways, I just wanted to mention and rant on a few things that are going on right now in the storyline.

  • For starters, I knew (even before reading this book) that I was going to HATE Rowan. And I am not sure if that is a shocker to people who have finished the book and the rest of the available series, but nothing right now attracts me to him. Not saying that someone like him can have walls and guards and show no emotion, because maybe he just doesn’t want to. But seriously, I am just tired of seeing Celaena beaten and tired all the time. The poor baby needs rest, and we all know I still have some more books to read. So I should just prepare for no satisfaction for a while
  • Dorian + Sorscha. They make me so happy in the mist of drama, sadness, and violence.clueless-paul-alicia I know it may be too early to determine that they fancy eachother, but am I crazy to think that they can be together. Because I keep wanting them to cross paths again. Can you not just see it: The Prince and the Nurse ( or assisstant or castle worker- I am not really sure what her occupation is) together ruling the kingdom after Calaena kills that Bastard of a King. Sorry Dorian, but no one likes your father at this point.
  • I think this is the last point, but I felt absolutely horrible when Dorian was snooping on Chaol and Aedion when they were down in the tomb. I mean there was no catuion on Chaol telling Aedion eerything. Like yes blurt out loud for everyone to hear. And he was like, “Why did you lie to me?” and he didn’t even know Celaena was Aelin. Literaly all I say was Oh Crap! If the whole thing with Celaena, Chaol, and Nehemia wasn’t enough drama try this on for size. 

Well that was it for the ranting. Thanks for reading if you read that all. Hopefully I will finish this book soon. You know, now that I have alot of interest in the ending again. Also because I really want to read A Court of Thorns and Roses. Anyways I will talk to you guys in my next post. Feel free to friend me on goodreads and tumblr.

Love Always,


I caught the reading slump flu…

Hello book buddies and fellow bloggers! I am in a huge book slump. It was just a couple weeks ago where I was on such a high for reading books. Then I woke up a couple weeks later and thought where has all this time gone. Its kind of scary


Anways… I plan on trying to finish Heir of Fire this week. So watch out world I am rising from the dead and getting back on top of reading!


Especially since I have two school half days(woo-hoo!). well wish me luck 🙂

Love always,



Favorites and Life Update

Hi Everybody! Yes, it has totally been quite a while since I last posted which was suppose to be this three day quote challenge, but ended only being one day. Yeah, sorry about that. I’m not very good with my blog commitment. But I love you guys and I love reading your post so this is why I am writing this post so you know I am not going anywhere. Here is an update on my life…

Books I have read (I want to do book reviews very badly)


Things I have been obsessed with

  • Netflix

Gilmore Girls: I am not sure who has watched Gilmore Girls, but if you haven’t Watch immediately! It is so funny and all the characters are just so amazing.

Friends has also become an obsession.giphy

Criminal Minds

Stuck in Love

  • Tumblr: but that never ends…
  • Coffee!!!


  • Okay this might be random, but I am obsessed with bananas. You can ask any one in my family. We will buy a group of bananas and they will be gone before the sun rises the next day. (A little exaggerated, but bananas go away fast in our household)


What is new in my life…

  • Well to start, I trimmed my hair and watched my sister cut her hair short. She looks so cute, and now we look different.
  • It recently rained. (I live in the desert so if it rains I literally get so excited). But let me tell you, I have never seen such a fast flash flood. It was horrible. Ill insert a picture of the road while we were driving. IMG_0874Dangerous but so beautiful!






  • I turned in my Argumentative paper in yesterday for English class!! A huge stress has lifted off my shoulder. Everyone in our class can definitely agree.


Well I think that is all for now. thank you for reading this post if you stuck around 🙂

Tell me in the comments what you have been up to; what you have read; what are you listening too; if you have Netflix, what have you been watching; etc.

I love you guys


3 Day Quote Challenge

Hey Guys! I am finally on Spring Break. It is super amazing. I can finally get into some blog posts and read quite a few books!

Okay so this tag is something I have really been wanting to do for such a long time. Thank you so much Naomie!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.

2. Post a quote for three consecutive days.

3. Nominate three new bloggers each day.

 I live my life around quotes. When I read quotes it is almost as if I  am reading poetry. This being said I’m kind of so sad that this will only be 3 days long! Finding the best quotes for these next couple days will be such a struggle for me since I like so many, but I hope some of the quotes will stick with you for some time. 🙂

The Quote I chose is from my favorite book:

“Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia. (…) You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you’ll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.”

John Green (Looking for Alaska)

I love this quote because as a teenager still in high school I always seem to think that life will be so much better and fun once I’m older. But by doing this I fail to see that I’m missing out on my present life. If I keep imagining my future I’ll never get there. I must take actions. And follow God’s will in my life.

But I do believe you can escape the labyrinth.

Who do I tag…


Thanks for reading. I’ll be back with other posts in the near future. Have a great day!!

Love always,


Book haul!!

So many books I really feel like buying, but restraining myself is the key since I have like no money haha. The book community is all poor.

But with I just so managed to splurge on a couple of books this past week. Which I am more than excited to start reading!


The picture above basically tells this whole story, but here are the links to the synopsis’s on goodreads and other stuff…

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

Goodreads synopsis!  Yes I finally bought this book. Not on the release date, but eventually and that’s all that matters to me. Especially since I finished reading City of Heavenly Fire. There will be a review for that soon.

Okay so here’s a funny story. I actually purchased this book twice, because I gave one copy to my friend for her birthday. The only thing was that I originally wasn’t planning that so after school I didnt have my book and I was freaking out. I am already lonely, but without my book i was dying of abandonment. So my mom took me to target. Bless her soul for caring.


Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

Goodreads synopsis!  Um why in the world did I wait so long to read this series?? If you haven’t read this series no spoilers, but seriously you deserve to live in this world. It is hilarious, touching, intense, and entirely different than you would expect. READ! I was definitely not disappointed. (Book review for Throne of Glass may be up sometime during the week).

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Goodreads synopsis!  Oh my word! kind of stoked about reading this book. I recently finished Colleen Hoover’s book Maybe Someday. I thought it was absolutely amazing. And coming off a bitter start with her books,  I was absolutely delighted to love love love Maybe Someday. (here is my review for that book).

This is why it was like an impulse buy to get November 9. My emotions are already soaring just thinking about this book. Can’t wait to read it and share all my thoughts



Thank you so much for reading. I hope your Saturday is super fantastic.

Comment to tell me what are some books you’ve recently purchased?Or what books you are currently reading??

Love always,




Currently Reading…

hey guys! As most of you know we are upon the verge of Lady Midnight coming out!!! I’m so excited as I bet so many of you out there are. I just wanted to write a quick post on what I am currently reading which is City of Heavenly Fire. This is the last book that I have to read until I am done with The Mortal Instruments. This is a very fat book as a lot of you may know so I’m so devoting this read to the release of the new book. I can finish this before the next books comes out!hunger-games-you-can-do-this-gif-14.gif

Wish me luck!!

What are you guys currently reading?

Love always,


Book Fangirling Blog Award

Hey everyone sorry for being absent for so long. I have been off wandering horribly with life and all the responsibility a teenager can really have but anyways I thought it would be nice to bounce back into blogging again with a book tag. Oh and by the way thank you for so many of the tags. Im sorry I can’t get to all of them, but I had so much fun reading everyones:)

Anyways I am here today to do the Book Fangirling Blog Reward! I was tagged by the wonderful Grace @ Quirkyandpeculiar. Thank you so much for tagging me! 🙂


  • Create a post to accept your award.
  • Answer the questions I have at the end.
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.

If you had the ability to actually become a book character, who would you want to become?

So we start off hard… First let me make a list so I can narrow some down…

  • Tessa
  • Cath
  • Cress
  • Caelena
  • Ruby Daly
  • Elizabeth
  • Samantha Mcallister

Okay the whole reasoning behind these cross outs and nonsense is I love all of these characters and all of their love interest *raises eyebrows*, but who could I handle being or who could I most likely relate too. And that has to be Cath. Like there is endless similarities. College is in my future, I am a twin, I love coffee, I love reading and writing. But the only real difference is I never really been into fanfiction. Maybe one day…

But seriously if I had the guts I would totally be Caelena or Tessa, but I’ll stick to just reading about them. But Cress is like my twin and I would kill to be close to Thorne!!!

What book do you think deserves a sequel or spin-off?

Although I have never really read a book/series that I was completley unsatisfied with. I think it would be kind of awesome to get another novel on Rainbow Rowel’s Eleanor and Park. I mean she is definitely an author for great ending that we envy to know more about, but I seriously want to know their futures. They were so young like what happens in their life????

What book to movie adaption would you have redone?

To be honest I am not saying that every book to movie adaptation was the bomb, but all the work and effort that was put into the movie made me appreciate it way more. Also the fact that I am like the easiest person in the world to please…

But I can tell you what one of my favorite adaptions right now is. Pride and Prejudice Zombies!! I watched it while visiting San Diego one day. It was so funny and accurate to at least the original Pride and Prejudice. If you haven’t watched you should definitely, because it was fantastic. Oh and Matt Smith is in the movie too.


Yup. Yup and he plays such a good part. Oh how I love him.

If you could only read one book/series for the rest of your life what would it be?

These questions are going to tear me apart! Since this is suppose to be for the rest of my life it would probably be a series and I really love the Lunar chronicles so it would probably be that. But I haven’t read much of Harry Potter so maybe that too. Since I know its good and its something new.

But in all seriousness if I had to give up everything except one it would be my Bible 🙂

What two authors do you think should write a book/series together?

Okay this might be the strangest idea/thought I have ever had in my life, but what if Jandy Nelson and John Green did a Contemporary going back and forth from the girl and guys perspective. Huh huh is that weird? Oh well its my wacko mind talkin. But I would still read it.

 Who i nominate:

Questions for you to answer:

  1. If you had to estimate how many books you have, how many would you say?
  2. What is your favorite book couple?
  3. Who would you like to go on an adventure with?
  4. Which book cover do you like the most?
  5. What is your favorite quote from you favorite book?


Thank you so much for reading! I have missed you guys immensely. Hope all of you are doing swell. And I will talk to you guys later with some other posts.

My Goodreads

My Tumblr

Love always,


Maybe Someday…

I remember reading Ugly Love a while back because I really wanted to read a contemporary and I had never read a Colleen Hoover book before. So I decided to give it a go. Boy I am so happy I did. I love reading contemporary books because beside all the fantasy books that give every reader an adventure, I think contemporary gives us hope for reality. Hopefully our reality is with out all the trials that are in any novel, but reading contemporaries are always so satisfying in a way

Anyways Maybe Someday gave me those boy crazy moments anigif_enhanced-buzz-2404-1362684772-4.gif

And that is exactly what I wanted to feel on yesterdays tragic but beautiful Valentines day. Okay there is going to be spoilers ahead but seriously you shoulf read this book if you are into those romance/comedy/drama books.

**Definitely some spoilers up ahead**

Okay first off Ridge is absolutely gorgeous. I know colleen hoover didn’t waste a lot of time describing his looks. But that was totally okay with me. Especially because the whole escence of him and his character is just perfection. He plays guitar and his words are what makes me fall in love. And the way his words are just so much more powerful since he cant hear. So he definitely lead her on. The nights on the balcony were so intimate even though at first they would have never thought so. They both knew they were out there for eachother. And then when Sydney found out about her boyfriends whole naughty affair with her roomate/best friend she couldnt handle it all on her birthday so she left and crashed with Ridge. Oh I love how Sydney told her ex boyfriend and ex best friend off. giphy

Giving a few puches out to them I was just yeah Sydney you go girl give another one for me and Ridge can you!

Then commenses Ridges and Sydney epic craaazy secret/”innocent” relationship AKA LOVE STORY.

Everything just happens.She finds out that he is deaf, also that he has a girlfriend. Like ugh Ridge You are totally leading her on. But i mean just keep doing it because I am enjoying this to much. Their relationshp grew and it was just too beautiful. But I was well prepared for everything to go bizurk. And that it did. Remember the vibrate of her phone. It was Maggie! And all she wrote were those texts Ridge and Sydney sent to eachother.


And down to hell it went. Emotions all over the place. And Ridge’s heart going wild becuase he wans to stay with Maggie but he is totally in love with Sydney. Long story short my friends he doesn’t end up with Maggie. Shocker? Well not to me atleast, but it does make sense that he wanted to give her some time to start their beginning. And that he did. She had already moved out and now and their other roomate Warren always checked on her. After three months Ridge plans this concert for her as a nudge for her to when she is ready. Warren’s job was to make sure she will be there; dont you love that part where he is trying so hard to get her to go but she is just like no i dont want to go out? But he convinces her and she’s like Well fine.


It was so beautiful. He sangs previous songs they had written to gether and then songs he wrote just for her.*tears begin to fall*. By the way you can actually listen to the songs on Spotify. They are by Griffin Peterson. This only made this more emotional for me.

Then at the end of the last song she signed “when” to him. There love was beautiful and they could finally be together!! I was way to happy about this.

Oh wait let’s back track to the part where he finds out where her apartment was and he goes inside and they try to talk but they end up just staring at eachother. And my golly his stares are priceless. He picks up a pen and begins to write things on her skin. Oh boy I am falling in love with him.

So in totality I loved this book so much. 5 out of 5 stars for sure. I am so glad I read a colleen hoover book and I cant wait to read the rest of her books. I really want to read November 9.

Well have you read this book? If you have please leave a comment telling me your favourite part or anything really about this. 

“Sometimes in life, we need a few bad days in order to keep the good ones in perspective.” 

Love Always,


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